White Papers
What Our Experts Advise When it Comes to Summer Shipping for Wine
by: The Copper Peak Team

Wine is sensitive to high temperatures, and that makes shipping it during the summer months extra tricky. Even if a bottle never passes through what we typically think of as the “hotter” states, the temperature in a carrier truck during the summer can be high enough to ruin a bottle for the end consumer. We’ve written about the various options for summer shipping many times […]

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Meet the New Senior Vice Presidents at Copper Peak Logistics
by: The Copper Peak Team

Copper Peak is proud to announce new positions in our executive structure. Two long-term members of our team have received new titles: Stacey Heuer, formerly Vice President of Operations, has been named Senior Vice President of Operations. Merilee Anderson, formerly Vice President of Client Services, is now our Senior Vice President of Client Services.  So, why the new titles? In plain terms, we’re recognizing Stacy […]

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Three Ideas to Increase Wine Sales in a Slow Season, or a Slow Year
by: The Copper Peak Team

Wine sales have a seasonal cycle to them. Wine orders, especially DTC wine orders, tend to spike during the holiday season (OND) and then even out in the new year, tapering off to a slower season as summer approaches. But inventory does not always match this cycle. It’s not uncommon for a winery to see pallets of inventory waiting to move just as the slow […]

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